In Card Game 29, the “single hand” or “single hand bid” is a special rule where a player can make a unique, high-risk bid. This bid indicates that the player intends to play the entire round solo, without any help from their partner, and must win all the points on their own accord. With this being said, we have curated a detailed guide, explaining the rules of single hand play, key features of single hand play, tips and tricks, strategies and common mistakes players need to be aware of when playing the single hand.
Introduction to 29 Card Game
Before we start discussing the 29 card game single hand rule, let’s first understand what sets the 29 card game apart from standard card games. Card Game 29 stands out due to its blend of straightforward rules and intricate strategies, requiring players to carefully balance risk and reward through bidding and trick-taking. Unlike many other card games, the emphasis on choosing a trump suit after bidding introduces a layer of unpredictability and skill that keeps players engaged. The need for partnership coordination also adds a unique social element, demanding silent communication and tactical play between teammates. Its regional roots and cultural significance enhance the game’s appeal, giving it a distinctive charm compared to more widely known Western card games. More details about the general rules of 29 card game can be found on our website.
Key features of the Single Hand rule in 29 Card Game
Solo Play: The player who declares a single hand takes on the challenge of playing independently, which can be a bold move as they aim to win without the help of the partner.
Higher Stakes: The player who declares a single hand has to win all the 8 tricks and this makes it much harder than regular bids, adding an extra layer of risk and reward.
Strategic Move: This rule adds excitement to the game as it showcases a player’s confidence and skill. Often a player has a strong hand, but can they control the sequence of play in a way that will ensure the overall game flows in his favour.
How to Play the 29 Card Game Single Hand Rule?
Now that we have learned the basic rule of 29 card game and the features of single hand play, let’s briefly discuss the process of playing a single hand game.
- Before the game begins, all four players will coordinate who is going to be the dealer for the first round from amongst themselves.
- It is the responsibility of the dealer to distribute 4 cards to each player, including himself before the first round of bidding.
- Bidding begins from the player sitting to the immediate right of the dealer. At first, the minimum allowable bid based on the 29 card game single hand rule is 16.
- Other players or challengers can then counterattack and raise the bid at their convenience.
- Towards the end of the bidding round, four cards are further distributed to the players.
- After the 8 cards are dealt, any player can declare a “single hand”, meaning he will be solely responsible for play and his partner will place his hand down, taking no further part in the game.
- There is no trump suit in Single hand play. The winner of each trick/round is decided based on the highest card of the suit played by the first player of each trick.
- The player who called for Single Hand will be the first player of all the eight tricks.
- The player who called the single hand must win all the eight tricks to win the game. If they lose one trick, they lose that game.
- If the player who called single hand wins the game, the team of that player will get 3 points else 3 points will be deducted from the set score of that team.
Rule for game cancellation during Single Hand
There are certain rules when the Single Hand game can be cancelled.
- The Single Hand player’s first trick has a lead suit which the opponents do not have
If, in the first trick, the Single hand caller plays a card and the opponents do not have any card of that suit, then the game is cancelled.
For eg. If the first card of the first trick played by the Single Hand caller is a J of Hearts and the opponents do not have any card of the Hearts suit, then the game is cancelled.
Point to note is that it is only applicable for the first trick and from the second trick onwards, there is no restriction.
- A player gets all the 8 cards of the same suit
This is a scenario where the opinions are divided and different people follow different rules. The scenario is like: one player gets all the eight cards of the same suit and calls for Single Hand. The different rules that different groups of players follow are:
- The game is cancelled as when the player plays the first card, the opponents will not have any card of that suit. Hence, by the previous rule defined above, the game is cancelled.
- This is called a scenario of Set Single, where the team to which the player belongs who has the eight cards of the same suit, is declared as the winner of that set.
- Some players do not follow the rule mentioned above. In that case, they play a normal Single Hand game and the player wins all the eight tricks, winning the game and securing +3 points for their team.
At the beginning of the game, the players should decide which rules they want to follow and apply that rule when the scenario arises during gameplay.
Tips about when to consider to play a Single Hand game
Single Hand should be played in two broad scenarios:
- When you have cards with which you will surely win all the 8 tricks

With card combinations like the above, you will definitely win all the tricks as you have the largest cards of the relevant suits. In such cases, you should definitely play Single Hand.
- When you have cards with which you will surely win 6 to 7 tricks but winning all 8 tricks is not guaranteed

In the above combination, you can surely win 6 tricks. There is a possibility that one of the opponents has 3 cards of spade. The probability of that happening is low but you could take some chances here and call for a Single Hand game.
Tip: You should play the above Diamond cards first as there is a chance that the opponents might pass some weak spade card. Then you should play the J and 9 cards of Spade and that might exhaust the spade cards in the hands of the opponents. This sequence of play will increase your chances of winning tricks with the remaining 8 and 7 of spades only when opponents have exhausted the spade cards from their hand.

In the above combination, you can surely win 7 tricks. There is a possibility that one of the opponents has J of hearts. The probability of that happening is low but you could take some chances here and call for a Single Hand game.
Tip: You should play the above Diamond cards first and then the spade cards. You should play the 9 of hearts at the end hoping that your partner had the J of hearts or the opponents would have passed it, if they had it. This sequence of play will increase your chances of winning tricks with the 9 of hearts which is the weak card and does not guarantee by itself .
Common Mistakes to Avoid in the 29 Card Game Single Hand Rule
Even if we think that we understand the Single Hand game rule well, we can sometimes be over confident and prone to mistakes. Here are a list of common mistakes to avoid during Single Hand play:
- Sometimes it is better not to call Single Hand and play a normal game of 29. When you have a single card from a specific suit and it is a weak card like 10, then it might be better to win the bid and play a normal game of 29. This way you might win +1 set score. If you are lucky, you will win all eight rounds and get +2 set score. But if you play Single Hand and lose it, you will get -3 set score.
- If you are following the rule mentioned above, then it is important to keep in mind to play a first card which opponents are likely to have. There is a chance that with the strong suit of cards you have, opponents might not have them. Hence you might want to play another strong card, whose count is low with you, and avoid the game cancellation. After the first trick, you can play in any order that will likely lead to you winning the game and secure the +3 points.
With the 29 card game single hand rule clearly depicted above, you shouldn’t have any further problem in playing and winning Single Hand games. Remember, your ultimate goal is to win all the eight tricks. Sometimes it might be better to not play Single Hand if there are weak cards. When playing the Single Hand game, remember that the sequence of playing the cards is very important. On top of everything, you can also play 29 card game online from the comfort of your home on your phone.
1. What is the single-hand rule in 29 card game?
The Single Hand rule in the 29 card game allows a player to play a specific game without a partner and they have to win all 8 rounds to get set points.
2. How Does the Scoring Work in a Single Hand Rule Game?
As per the 29 card game single hand rule, the Single Hand caller must win all the eight tricks to the game and get3 points for the team set score. If not, 3 points will be deducted from the team score.
3. When Should the Single Hand be called by the player who wants to play it?
The player who wants to play a Single Hand game must call for Single Hand after bidding is complete but before the first turn of the game play is played.
4. What happens when two players call for Single Hand play for the same game?
When two players call for Single Hand for the same game, the player who called first gets to play the Single Hand game. If both of them called almost at the same time, the four players have to all agree to decide who would have called marginally faster than the other.
5. When Should Single Hand game be played?
The 29 card game single hand rule should be played when you are confident that you can win all the eight tricks/rounds single handedly i.e. without the support of your partner.
6. Is the Single Hand game Suitable for Beginners in the 29 Card Game?
If you are wondering what is the rule of single hand in 29 and whether it’s applicable for beginners, worry no longer. Single hand game is applicable for any player, provided they are aware of the rules and tricks as mentioned in this article.